Region update for 5/12/2020

As we continue to feel our way through this process of limitations and return to routines, opportunities are becoming more apparent. Caution is still the centerpiece in any plan, but progress is real. 

First, the difficult news. Washington DC Region MARRS Road Racing Program restart has been delayed until July 25-26 at Summit Point. The form and format are yet to be determined. MARRS Road Racing was deferred due to the number of people from areas still under tight regulatory control and consideration for the numbers of volunteers that may not be readily available or concerned about exposures prior to total Regional influence and influx from outside areas. MARRS will not resume racing operations until July at the earliest. 

Spectacular side of the news is our mid-Region HPDE Track Events and Time Trials programs are raring to go and will hit the ground running on a full go status beginning 27 and 28 June at Dominion Raceway for their mid-season kickoff.

Registration is open through

July 18 & 19 will see our Region's northside HDPE Track Events and Time Trials at Summit Point, Shenandoah Track.  This event registration is also now

However, this is not all of the news, our Summit Point team is considering running an additional (early) HPDE and Time Trials event on the 20 and 21 of June dates formerly reserved for the MARRS program.
Autocross events are canceled through June with the likelihood of a strong start of events in July. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements. Rallycross will kick off on 11/12 July and continue with events through August, October, and November. Polish Mountain Hill Climb is in the process for permitting for running August 1&2.

All events will be operated under best practices for health and individual safety. Each of our operating programs will be appointing Health and Safety Compliance Officers with the job of insuring health exposure protection for all participants and operating personnel. Health standards and guidelines will remain at levels established by regulatory agencies, facility, and SCCA guidelines and directives. Any changes, relaxation, or sunset of these controls will be dependent on CDC information and recommendations.

We also ask if you have to deal with the National staff, you be patient and understanding. Unfortunately, the situation has forced a reduction in available staff to the point that a very few are caring for the masses. Please be kind and graceful when asking for services. It may take a little longer than usual, but it will happen. They are doing an outstanding job with the limited number of people and access to resources available right now. 

In another arena, The Region is starting a search for interested and likely candidates for the Board of Directors. Three positions are coming up for election in October. Please Contact Alan Olson, or any other Board member if you have interest or would suggest a potential candidate.

Please stay healthy! See you at the track.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379