Washington D.C. Region SCCA (WDCR SCCA)

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Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement Annual Membership Meeting held 10/12/2021

Election for the WDCR Board of Directors was completed at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday.

Congratulations go out to new Board member, Mhyar Alzayat,

as well as re-elected incumbents Kate Claffie and Mike McKee.

We thank all the candidates for their participation.

We also want to thank Kahlil Natirboff (still active with region but chose not to be up for re-election on the board) and Heidi Weir (retiring) for all their hard work and dedication to our region and wish them all the best in their new adventures.

Wrap-up notes from Region Executive, Wayne Armbrust:

We are back!

Not only are we back, but we are back in a big way! In spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic issue, we hit the ground running going into the 2021 season and we did it in style. We have just experienced the most active year in history for the Washington DC Region. Including Out of Region Sanctions for joint events with WDCR, we have been part of and participated in 52 sanctioned events resulting in 85 event days. That is almost 3 solid months of track time

There is room for everyone, almost. The only reason there is not room is we have run out of space for a couple of our HPDE events through the year. Sold out!

This season was not without its challenges, we started the season under relatively tight COVID-19 controls, and managed to deliver a high-performance year in the overall picture.

Road Racing, Track Events, and Rallycross stepped right up in starting up their 2021 Season programs, our Autocross team was breaking new ground in restarting the program after a forced year’s hiatus. Autocross events have proven popular at the Summit Point facility in the early stages of establishing a presence at a new venue. Summit Point Motorsports Park has expressed the intent to modify their Washington Circuit into a more compatible format allowing added flexibility to the pad as a multi-event type resource.

This year we also introduced a Tour Trek event with a cruise through the extended countryside of the Washington DC Region territory. Positive feedback encourages the likelihood of a similar event going through the 2022 season.

Early in the year, working in cooperation with the Apple Blossom Mall in Winchester, Virginia, we placed a display of competition cars. Some interest was shown. We are reconsidering a repeat and if the effort was productive.

On the financial front, we are indeed back. With 2020 leaving our account cash outflow the primary direction of cash flow, 2021 has turned the tide. We are looking at a strong financial performance as well as remining financially sound.

One area that has slipped considerably over the last two years is the Labor Day annual charity fund raising program. Combined forces, including COVID-19 issues, have resulted in suspension of the generous program. Re-evaluation of the overall objective and means is underway. Hopefully we will return to a healthy and hardy fund-raising program in the near future.

Having received notice of planned retirement of our long serving Region Administrator, Heidi S. Weir, we have brought two well founded people to the staff position. Job development has been very successful in bringing our new Region Administrators up to job duties and responsibilities. Transition will be complete by the end of the calendar year.

We continue committed to SCCA policy maintaining a welcoming environment. We are working hard to see that everyone is given the opportunity to have fun and be a valuable part of what makes the SCCA special.

Wayne Armbrust

C.W. Armbrust

Chairman & Region Executive


Mobile: 540-539-6379
