Washington D.C. Region SCCA (WDCR SCCA)

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Region Update for 6/9/2020

Note: This will be the last of the Region Executive's COVID-19 Weekly Status Summaries. We are returning to Track Events and operations as well as trying to normalize our schedule and budget. We are back!

The most exciting At Summit Point, in addition to a Race we will have a One Day Driver School Set for Friday 24 July. Followed by a Road Racing weekend Saturday and Sunday 25-26 July. Thursday 23 July is set for a Track Practice Day.

(Note from Club Office: Planning is underway for the school and the full weekend, please be patient - lots more details are coming soon - I will be in touch).

At each of the upcoming Track Event HPDE/TT Programs, (June 20-21 @ Summit Point and June 27-28 @ Dominion Raceway) we are providing Tech Days program to sign off Annual Inspections on competition car Log Books prior to 25-26 July Race at Summit Point. Hopefully this will help reduce crowding at the Tech Building at Summit Point when we have the first race of the season that weekend.

Our Autocross Program is in a challenging position of having lost access to some of the venues due to car storage, localized schedule and agreement changes, and National Event scheduling. August or later may be the remaining option for the program to get underway.

Anywhere we run, we will still be under State and local guidelines and directives as to use of PPE and safe health procedures. In order to remain in good standing with our Track Partners and the governing state officials, we will have to wear our masks, watch our distancing, and take proper cleaning procedures seriously.

Board of Directors Meeting 09 June 2020:

We have formed a nominations Committee to seek out potential candidates for our Board of Directors. Each year three positions come up for consideration. As always we are interested in people familiar with our Programs and Operations as well as willing to commit the time and effort in a leadership role. Each Director takes an active part in our overall management and operations program.

Our Member Services program is developing ideas and planning for the long-term future. Looking into member participation, retention, and engagement.

All program registrations will be consolidated under one service. MotorsportReg.com will become the single source on-line Registration Service provider for Washington DC Region Programs.

Included in the Board's actions was approval of use of Speed/eWaivers for our Programs. This customized electronic event sign-in will operate similar to use of eTickets when traveling. An electronic confirmation of your agreement to a waiver will be available through your mobile phone, laptop, or home computer.  Signing in at Registration may become as simple as scanning a bar code, on your phone or printed out eWaiver, then you are in! Less paper and contact time can also help with minimizing health exposures.

Ron Shellenberger discussed use and availability of PPE for our events. He explained to the Board of Directors he will available to assist in advice, guidance, and PPE material acquisition as needed.

The Board adjourned with no further business.

National Teleconference:

Following the Tuesday night Board of Directors meeting, WDC Region Executive and BoD Autocross Liaison Officer Mike McKee joined the SCCA Regions' Teleconference Update. SCCA is getting back into full swing with its operations. All events are working out well with PPE use and adjusted operational policies. Thus far there have been no significant issues or non-compliance problems.

SCCA events in Wisconsin have been allowing spectators based on social distancing and available square footage of the property. Successful use of PPE and Social Distancing was met with enthusiasm. No issues reported.

On another front, JDP (Junior Driver Program) affiliated with autocross operations have been suspended and placed into a review process. Program safety is being carefully examined and reviewed how it is applied across the country. Intent is to reintroduce JDP back into the operating programs as soon as the concerning issues are resolved.

 A final disposition on the Speed/eWaivers (mentioned above in the WDCR BoD Meeting) is they are approved by the SCCA K&K Insurance carrier for the next 60 days. At that time, it is believed there will be a final approval or revision that will become permanent under the insurance carrier.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379